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Oh happy day.

What do I do at work?

1. I tell people where the restrooms are and that the doors open with a library card.
2. I open the restroom doors with a buzzer button because no one seems to have a library card.
3. I tell people that I'm not allowed to make library cards yet
4. I tell people that we don't do book searches at the info, go to the second floor.
5. I tell people that you get to the second floor by walking up the huge stairs they didn't see when they walked in even though the stairs are right there and they're huge.
6. I tell people that they have over-due fees. A lot.
7. I tell people that they should use the automates to do everything. (We don't do customer service here!)
8. I tell people that I don't know, ask someone else.

And yet I like my work. It's fun and I like the old gentlemen I get to meet.

Here's a book for a change (it's nothing groundbreaking though). It's a little 5"x5" wedding quote book that I made as a custom order. 30 thick watercolor paper pages, and vintage lace on the linen cover.

Day 11

paper, book page, watercolor, gold and black ink
(It looked too nice to accommodate anything extra. So it's just the box today.)