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origami star ornaments

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari / One of my favourite things about the holiday season is that I get to fold tons of origami stars. It's absolutely addictive - even my dear V wants to help make them!

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari /

Even if you don't plan to have a Christmas tree, you can get all Christmassy by hanging some origami star ornaments on an ilex branch.

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari /

This year I added a new origami star ornament design to the Paperiaarre shop. These 8-pointed stars also come in packs of three - either with or without text. The ones without have page numbers or other minimal markings. For some reason I'm partial to the ones with page numbers.

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari /

See how nice they look in their vellum paper packages! They also happen to fit into any envelope, so why not surprise a faraway friend with a special holiday treat!

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari /

While on a roll, I also made some really big stars for a local holiday market. The regular sized version of this star is available in my shop. And just because I could, I also made some tiny stars (below).

origami star ornaments by Kaija Rantakari /

Also just back in stock: large long stitch sketchbooks for mixed media. They are now slightly larger and have more pages (32!) than before, but they're still perfect for painting, drawing, collage, etc. The covers are made out of heavy weight watercolour paper, so you can treat the book as your blank canvas from cover to cover.

large long stitch sketchbook for mixed media by Kaija Rantakari /

Later this week I'll be adding to my shop some small landscape format sketchbooks with watercolour paper pages and book cloth covers. I'm forecasting a lovely Christmas for you artsy people!