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Work in progress

My bookbinding room is one big work in progress but mainly I just wanted to share a sneak peek of some collages and things I made for these vintage label holders I love so dearly. The books that go with these bits are yet to be made, though. Some will be quite large, that much I know.

I rarely share photos of my work desk for the obvious reason - I make a mess every time I work with something more than just a pen and a piece of paper. And it makes perfect sense to first take photos of a desk where everything is wherever it happened to land when I was unpacking, and then continue to re-organize all my tools in an order that's both sensible and (hopefully) possible to maintain (and not take photos of that).

The final photo is of yesterday's work. I should be getting my picture rail into a working order on Monday so most of yesterday was spent framing different sorts of small things into large frames. Much time was also spent online researching the U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps I found on the backside of these photos. Turns out they were worthless but they're still so much older, and more interesting, than any of the postage stamps I had in my tiny stamp collection as a child.

* all these beautiful pieces of not-nothing by the sweet Megan Adie of Aviary Press