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He told me I was the most beautiful woman in a city full of blind people. Apart from that it's been rather grim here. (And fine, maybe it's not so awesome to be beautiful in the city of the blind, but hey, at least he fancies me. I don't really care for the rest of the city anyway.) 

Emotional times and failed plans. I keep disappearing even from myself. I forget to hold on when it's windy outside and inside. Yesterday was the first day it really felt like autumn is on it's way. Even though I prefer autumn to summer, this year I'm reluctant to face the new season.

PS. The unrelated photo is of pintucks on the back of a salvaged vintage silk dress that once probably belonged to Saima. If I can manage to sew some ribbon to replace the chopped off collar and cuffs and re-hem the dress, I will be wearing this to a going-away party next week. I was spesifically asked if I could wear something fancy. I suppose this is as fancy as I can get. I promise to share photos if I finish (and begin) fixing the dress in time.