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Hands that worked work no more

A quick hello from -16°C! The weather is getting warmer again; those -23°C (and colder) days were a bit rough on my poor lungs. (This wool hood is the best thing for this sort of weather; it was made by my mother some time before she made me.)

The blog has been quiet lately, because being busy with these...

...lead to this (and the same thing with the other wrist that's holding the camera)...

...luckily I've got good splints, a super cute cold pack (and another one, too - an awesome helper fox) and appropriate medication. Tenosynovitis is a frequent visitor, but rarely has it timing this bad. I've got a week to go before the exhibition opens and there's still a lot to do. Fortunately, the paper chandelier is done (see it hanging above my sad, sad hand!) - I'll share better photos of it once it's hung in its planned environment and lit up. I'm afraid the next update will most likely have to wait until February anyway, as I'm trying to avoid all extra work that strains my wrists so can focus on finishing the exhibition without crying, and I have a feeling that might be a bit of a last-minute thing with these hands. But I can promise several lovely posts in near future: new work and some other paper treasures!