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The first day of my thirty-second year

photo by Minna Vilkuna

Wednesday was my birthday. Stuff that happened:

  •  Got excellent free dessert at the fancy restaurant where V and I celebrated both my birthday and our third engagement anniversary.
  • Voted in the parliamentary election and the lovely election attendant wished me a happy birthday after checking my id.
  • Got asked whether I'd like to go from being a fiancée into being a wife, replied with a Finnish equivalent of what the heck, before ultimately saying yes and sobbing and laughing and apologising for saying what the heck. 

Back when we first got engaged no actual proposal took place, we just mutually agreed that we should probably get engaged, so, this is kind of a big deal, us two being the most cynical people we know. So, not much bookbinding has had time to happen, with me abandoning my cynicism (as well as my unfinished journals) and browsing for dresses and all things wedding related all day every day. We're getting married on August 7th, which means there's not much time to waste with grandiose wedding plans and doing everything anyone has ever seen on Pinterest. But we've got the perfect location and the perfect friends, and I think that's a damn good start.

PS. Go visit my mom's blog to see how we spent our Easter putting together her quilt show.