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small ones

All these little long-stitch jotters along with some friends have spent months and months on my desk badly neglected, mostly done, before I finally took a morning off just for taking photos and squeezed these into my schedule. It's most certainly winter here; daylight is scarce and sun a rare guest, so it is not often that light and inspiration (inspiration. who am I kidding? it's all about having or not having the energy at the right moment) coincide. Despite these minor difficulties on their way, these notebooks are now listed on Etsy. Some come in pairs, some individually; all beautifully wrapped (and ready to give away as gifts if you can bear to part with them).

I'm feeling a bit surreal today; I've had many good days, creative days, along with a feeling my mind is two inches right from where my head is located. Sometimes that's just how it is and it's alright, but today I just ended up wasting time - precious daylight hours to make things worse - only waking up to action so late I should've gone to bed already but instead I now procrastinate ineffectively (effective procrastination would be too much to ask tonight). Maybe by morning I've had some great revelation and made headway with the newest version of my poetry manuscript. If not, I'll just have to try not to break my printer again tomorrow and spend the day actually writing, making and doing.