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Medals of honor and medals of ennui

(vintage pin, antique book pages, vintage photo, mica, natural linen fabric, thread)
for sale here

(vintage pin, antique book pages, mica, various linen fabrics, thread, vintage brass filigree finding)
for sale here

(vintage pin, vintage photo, mica, various linen fabrics, vintage mother-of-pearl button, brass star, embroidered with linen thread)
for sale here

I was assigned to make things poorly this month, like really, really badly. You see, I'm having some issues with my perfectionism and at times it keeps me from starting absolutely anything beyond brushing my teeth, so this project crap is supposed to help me with it. Perfectionism is a freaky force that affects everything, so it's only natural I've perfected my procrastination skills, too. Thus, instead of making ugly stuff for therapeutic reasons, I finished these brooches that have been waiting for the finishing touches for longer than even I care to admit. So apparently I'm at a stage where I get all creative in order to avoid growing as a person, and I already have tons of finished things to show for it. Could be worse.