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after a slow year in the studio a big burst of activity

The Paperiaarre studio has been rather quiet for much too long, but after my fourth book of poetry was published in early September, there was finally space for bookbinding! I've made a huge lot of tiny pocket size kimono notebooks, the remaining handful of which are now available in the shop, as well as a fairly big lot of small linen covered notebooks, dozen of which will be available on Friday 2pm (UTC+2).

These little ones are so cute I want to eat them or at least never ever separate them for one another, but both would be professionally and personally become somewhat of an issue.

Hardly ever do I work in such big lots, but with the books being so small (A7) it was a pleasure to put together 33 little books! And after finishing these, I was still pain free and in the mood to fold a big stack of paper, so a lot of 14 linen covered notebooks with patterned endpapers also came into being. These are also on the smaller side, A6, which translates as about the size of a postcard.

Hope to see you on Friday when I show you what’s hidden inside these beautifully colourful covers! It’s also worth noting that shipping takes a while, so, if you want a book to arrive on time for some event or another, now might be a good time to take a look if something in my shop looks like just the thing for some very important person in your life.

Much love,
