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accumulator seriali - part 30

vintage finds from London, October 2016 - At last, photo evidence of just how good London was to me vintage-wise. I mainly shopped at markets, but one magnificent treasure box was gifted to me by C. She really has a knack for finding great stuff! See how generously she spoilt me:

precious gifts from a London friend -

precious gifts from a London friend -

At Spitalfields Antique Market I found a wonderful stall selling a big lot of watch related finds in addition to their usual jewelry bits:

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

I made the seller laugh by handing her a big handful of the paper junk everyone else had left behind. I may actually cherish these even more than the actual watch parts and tins!

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

C was definitely on the right track gifting me those gorgeous folding rulers. I adore measuring tools! I've been meaning to put together a post dedicated just to those, but for now you'll have to settle for what I brought home from London:

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

One of these has already been put to good use. Come back on Monday to see where it ended up!

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

While I steered clear from the vintage clothing stalls this time, nothing could keep me from the lace and sewing notions.

vintage finds from London, October 2016 -

I try not to be too precious about these London vintage finds - there's only so much I should keep for my personal treasure collection only! If all these finds won't result in a good number of inspired hours in the studio, I don't know what will...