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accumulator seriali - part 24

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

I adore buttons. My collection is pretty massive, so I try to break it down and share just a bit at a time. This post features a big part of my collection of buttons, hooks and eyes, and snaps that are still on their original cards.

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 / vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

Koh-i-noors from Czechoslovakia with Swedish, French, and German text.

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

Above you see the back side of those lovely white linen buttons sewn onto a black card. What a gorgeous label, don't you think?

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

Tiny linen buttons. I've made a few buttons like this myself, a long, long, time ago, but they were nowhere near this small or intricate.

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

This long strip of metal buttons is one of my cherished finds from the Spitalfields Antique Market. The reverse is equally lovely (if not more).

vintage buttons, snaps and hooks - accumulator seriali - part 24 /

I wonder if Florence will be kind to us and brings more treasures like these to my path. I really hope so - there's always room for more vintage buttons!